Beyond the Curriclum
We believe that we have a responsibility to provide experiences beyond those included in the National Curriculum. Workshops and educational visits are an integral part of the entitlement of every pupil to an effective and balanced curriculum. Appropriately planned visits are known to enhance learning and improve attainment, and so form a key part of the offer to our children. The benefits to pupils of taking part in workshops, visits and learning outside the classroom include, but are not limited to:
- Improvements in their ability to cope with change.
- Increased curiosity and resilience.
- Opportunities for meaning making, creativity, developing learning relationships and practicing strategic awareness.
- Improved achievement and attainment across a range of curricular subjects. Pupils are active participants not passive consumers, and develop their knowledge further.
- Enhanced opportunities for ‘real world’ ‘learning in context’ and the development of the social and emotional aspects of intelligence.
- Greater sense of personal responsibility.
- Possibilities for genuine team working including enhanced communication skills.
- Improved environmental appreciation, knowledge, awareness and understanding of a variety of environments.
- Improved awareness and knowledge of the importance and practices of sustainability.
- Physical skill acquisition and the development of a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Classes take part in at least one trip of workshop every half term. Some of these trips are free and some have a small cost. However, we are very fortunate to have a subsidy of £20 per child, donated by Friends of Ambler, to support with the cost of trips.
Longer trips and residentials
We believe that our children deserve as many enriching experiences as possible to support with their development. A key part of this is building up the resilience needed to manage a residential trip away from home. Every year at Ambler there is a significant trip, building up to a 3 day residential in Year 6. They are as follows:
Year 1: Trip to Hampstead Heath
Year 2: Trip to the seaside
Year 3: Sleepover at school
Year 4: Carfields (2 days 1 night)
Year 5:
Year 6L PGL (3 days 2 nights)