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Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page

Achieving more

Moving To Secondary School

“Leaders ensure that pupils have access to high-quality texts through their reading sessions. Year 6 read ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens, while in Year 5 pupils study ‘Macbeth’. This produced excellent writing responses. Pupils used a variety of challenging vocabulary confidently in their writing pieces, for example when describing how Lady Macbeth was ‘pouring scorn’ on another character. Owing to the high-quality grammar teaching across the school, pupils develop their writing skills extremely well. Consequently, pupils’ progress in writing is strong.”
Ofsted report 2017


We know that choosing and applying to secondary schools can be daunting. We provide an extensive service to support our parents and children through this process.


We have made links with a number of local secondary schools and work on joint projects with them over years 5 and 6. This gives students an inside view of secondary school life.


In the summer term we provide a coffee morning to outline the application process to parents whose children are about to enter Year 6.

In the first week of September our headteacher gives a detailed presentation about choosing and applying to schools. Local secondary heads are invited to come and talk about what their schools can offer. Parents are then encouraged to visit as many schools as possible.


The head is available to discuss what schools are realistic options. All parents are then invited to come for a 1-to-1 meeting where we complete the on line application form together.

If any issues arise after the offers are made we will endeavour to support parents / carers and children to resolve them


All secondary schools organise visits for those children accepted by them and often also come to meet the new students at our school over the summer term.