Mental Health, Wellbeing & Pastoral Care
At Ambler we believe that happy children and staff are at the centre of everything we do and we recognise the importance of starting with our educators. We offer staff a range of support such as an 8-Week Mindfulness Course, Wellbeing Surgeries, a Wellbeing Library and accessible organisations and strategies to manage their own self-care. We understand that if our staff are happy, this has a positive impact on our children.
We teach children that it is human to experience a range of feelings; that we learn best when feeling calm and happy; and that there are strategies to regulate unwanted or unpleasant feelings.
At Ambler we use the Zones of Regulation, Mindfulness and Calm Corners to support children in taking care of their own wellbeing. Our Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Policy explains processes within Ambler linked to mental health and wellbeing, as well as expectations for our practice as educators. To inform and regularly reflect upon this policy staff, children and parents are offered the opportunity to share their feedback in surveys. This ensures they have a voice in how we support our school community.
Pastoral, mental health and wellbeing leads offer consistent support to staff and children to ensure we are reflecting upon and developing our practices and approaches in line with new initiatives and research.
Use the links below to learn more about what we do at Ambler.