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Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page

Achieving more

Mental Health, Wellbeing & Pastoral Care

At Ambler we believe that happy children and staff are at the centre of everything we do.


We teach children that it is normal to experience a range of feelings; that we learn best when feeling calm and happy; and that there are strategies to regulate unwanted or unpleasant feelings.


This year, we have introduced the Zones of Regulation and Mindful Breathing to support children in their wellbeing. Alongside changes to classrooms and the curriculum, a new wellbeing policy has been published that explains processes within school to do with mental health and wellbeing, as well as expectations for our practice as educators. To inform this policy, staff and parents were surveyed to make sure they had a voice when it came to creating the document.


Pastoral, mental health and wellbeing leads conduct learning walks and ‘pupil voice’ exercises to make sure these practices happen consistently across the school.


Use the links below to learn more about what we do at Ambler.