“Some things will drop out of the public eye and go away, but there will always be science, engineering and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics.” – Katherine Johnson
What do we teach? Why do we teach it?
To give the children a maths curriculum that develops their fluency, reasoning and problem solving, as laid out in the National Curriculum.
- For maths lessons to include creativity, exploration and investigation.
- For children to feel positive about maths and have high expectations of their own work.
- To show children how they can apply their maths skills to everyday life.
- For children to build resilience when problem solving.
- For children to celebrate mistakes and see them as a way to learn.
How do we teach and assess and how does this look in practice?
- We follow the White Rose Scheme (White Rose Planning Schemes) from Reception to Year 6.
- Lessons are personalised to the needs of each class.
- We also use other resources from the National Curriculum, NCETM and NRICH to enhance our curriculum.
Maths National Curriculum (Key stages 1 & 2)
- 5 lessons per week
- Each lesson has a Learning Intention (LI) which explains what the children are learning that day. A success criteria (SC) is used so children know how they can achieve that lesson’s aim.
- Each lesson gives children a chance to practise their fluency and reasoning skills.
- Children sit short prior knowledge and post-assessment checks to inform teachers' planning and keep track of pupils' progress. These materials are adapted from White Rose.
- In Reception, children have short maths sessions with the teacher followed by maths activities integrated into their continuous provision.
- Daily work is marked by teachers in Reception and Year 1.
- Daily work is marked by the children in Year 2-6. They find where they have met the SC and decide if they would like more help or a challenge the next day. These children then form a ‘conferencing group’ with the teacher at the beginning of the next lesson. This system means that feedback for the children is targeted and meaningful
- During lessons, teachers stamp books to show where they have given children immediate feedback on their work.
- Once a week, children take part in ‘Big Maths’. This is a mini-assessment which covers fluency skills learnt that year.
- Once a term, children complete formal assessments. This data is used in our pupil progress meetings and communicated with parents.
- In Reception, all assessment is done through teacher assessment against the EYFS framework.
- In the Summer term, Year 2 & 6 sit the Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) and Year 4 sit the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).
Each child in KS1 has a Numbots log in and each child in KS2 has a Times Tables Rockstars log in.
- Each half term, the children work together to score points for their class. The winning class get a non-uniform day.
- Each term, we hold a times tables competition in KS2.
- Each Year, Ambler takes part in ‘Maths Week’ and themed Maths Days.
Children talk enthusiastically about maths lessons and their love of the subject.
- Participation on Mathletics is very high. When results are announced on a Friday, it is a high point of the week!
- Children know that mistakes in maths are celebrated and can explain how we use them to help us improve.
- Children can explain their mathematical thinking and make links in their learning. They use phrases like ”because I know…I could work out…” and “I can prove that by…”
- Pupils can use correct maths vocabulary to describe numbers, shapes and procedures.
- Children can talk about expectations of work in books. They know how their work should be presented and how much should be achieved in a lesson.
- Children are confident to put their hand up in lessons and ask for help.
- Children demonstrate quick recall of facts and procedures during lessons and in assessments.
- By the end of the year, the majority of children have achieved Age Related Expectations (ARE). Some children progress further and achieve Greater Depth (GD). Children who have gaps in their knowledge or understanding to receive on-going support through intervention.
- This video explains how we teach maths at Ambler, including the curriculum we use and the methods we teach
- This video gives some ideas about how to help your children at home.
- This document has got lots of games and activities to support learning times tables at home
- This video has explains how we teach times tables at Ambler and what you can do to support.
Numbots - the online platform we use in Years 1 and 2
TT Rockstars - the online platform we use in Years 3-6
Maths with Michael - these videos are great at breaking down the methods we teach at Ambler
White Rose parent resources - these free workbooks, games and
advice guides are great and made by the scheme we use at school
Top Marks - a range of free games for children of all ages to help with fluency
Maths at home - more videos and support for parents
Nrich - a great resource for challenging children’s thinking and problem solving in maths.