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Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page

Achieving more

PE and Sport Premium

Ambler is committed to encouraging pupils to follow an active and healthy lifestyle. We believe skills learnt through sports, including competitive and team sports, instil qualities such as resilience and determination that support children to navigate their way through life.


School Sport and P.E. Plans

In 2023/24, Ambler intends to spend P.E. and School Sport money to meet the following objectives:

  • To continue to provide children with a range of extra-curricular clubs, adding new clubs to the school to provide more opportunities for targeted groups of pupils (inc. fencing and fitness to dance)
  • To improve the sporting resources available at Ambler by adding new areas for P.E. – including a new netball court.
  • To continue to provide our staff with high quality continuing professional development to support and develop them as P.E. teachers.
  • To take part in more sporting competitions both across the borough and nationally – particularly in Key Stage 1.

P.E. and Sport Premium Funding

The government has given all state primary schools additional funding to improve provision for P.E. and sport. The funding is ring-fenced and can only be spent on the provision of P.E. and sport but schools are free to choose how to spend it.


At Ambler we aim to use the Sports Premium in accordance with our sports ethos. We also seek to use it to ensure that all children have access to affordable, specialised sports training (such as gymnastics or karate) and to make sure that the activities we offer are as inclusive and varied as possible.


Our key aims this year are:


  • to encourage physical activity as part of healthy lifestyles
  • to promote healthy eating
  • to get more girls into sports