There are three main committees of the full governing body.
Development and Learning
The Development and Learning Committee (D&L) meets three times a year and is responsible for raising standards and helping children to achieve more.
We review the performance of the school and children’s centre, against national and local indicators, and advise the governing body on any action required.
As part of this we analyse reports from the Headteacher on the quality of teaching and learning, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that necessary action is taken to maximise improved outcomes for pupils.
We assess Ambler’s improvement plans and ask questions about how the national core curriculum and broader curriculum are resourced, taught and evaluated.
We also approve the annual key stage targets and monitor post-inspection Ofsted action plans.
We seek to ensure the needs of less advantaged, more able and talented pupils and those with special educational needs are met.
We monitor Ambler’s Remote Learning strategy which was introduced to help the school continue during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Current members: Duncan Aldred (Chair; Co-opted), Amundeep Dhanoa (Co-opted), Sandy McNicholl (Headteacher), Jeni Burt (Parent), Richard Greening (Co-opted), Samuel Hodges (Parent), Sonia Irim (Parent), Isabel Roberts (Staff), Sue Smith (Co-opted), Sam Suri (Parent)
Ambler as a Business
This Committee meets three times a year; its role is to provide guidance and assistance to the Headteacher, the Senior Leadership Team and the full governing body in all matters relating to budgeting, income and expenditure, premises and health & safety.
Our responsibilities include the review of each year’s annual management plan priorities, and presentation of the annual budget to the Governing Body for approval. We also consider the School and Children’s Centre’s longer-term strategic plans, and monitor the income and expenditure of all public funds, reporting the financial situation to the full governing body each term.
Current members: Tim Evans (Chair; Co-opted), Samuel Hodges (Vice-Chair; Parent), Duncan Aldred (Co-opted), Sandy McNicholl (Headteacher), Amundeep Dhanoa (Co-opted), Richard Greening (Co-opted), Gary Wong (Business Manager, Associate).
People and Communications
This Committee, which meets at least three times a year, is responsible for staff and pupil wellbeing and for ensuring a supportive physical and social environment for learning that enables pupils and staff to realise their DREAMS.
We monitor staff performance and development and approve changes to staff remuneration.
Communications falls within our remit and by championing ‘parent voice’ we look to ensure that good, two-way channels of communication exist between the school and parents.
Current members: Amundeep Dhanoa (Chair; Co-opted), Soola Georgiou (Vice Chair; Co-opted), Duncan Aldred (Co-opted), Sandy McNicholl (headteacher), Jeni Burt (Parent), Sonia Irim (Parent), Isabel Roberts (Staff), Sam Suri (Parent), Gary Wong (Business Manager, Associate).
The following sub-committees meet as required:
- Discipline, Complaints & Appeals (makes decisions and hears complaints and appeals in relation to pupil exclusions, staff dismissals and pay)
- Pay Committee (agrees staff pay scales and awards)
- Performance Management Panel (makes decisions in relation to staff performance)
Safeguarding is vital in everything that is done at Ambler. Our Safeguarding Governor (Soola Georgiou) provides strong support and practical guidance on that topic and works with each of the three Governors’ Committees as appropriate.
The Governors are committed to an approach which promotes inclusion and diversity.