Zones of Regulation
Learning to regulate our emotions does not happen by chance. Starting in the Children’s Centre, we use the ‘Zones of Regulation’ to help children learn to manage their emotions. This is an approach that groups feelings into four coloured ‘zones’. This helps children to better identify their feelings and use strategies to move out of unwanted ‘zones’.
This approach is introduced or developed with the children through dedicated PSHE lessons and assemblies. It is then embedded throughout everything they do, by all adults that they work with at Ambler.
From a starting point of identifying emotions in EYFS, through to identifying which ‘zone’ they are in in KS1, children will leave Ambler having identified their unique ‘triggers’ that cause them to move into unwanted ‘zones’ and personalised strategies to move out of that ‘zone’.
Zones of Regulation resources can be provided by the school so you can start using them at home as well.
“When we use the Zones of Regulation, we want to be Green because it means we’re positive and we can focus on our work better. I like the Calm Corner because when I feel a little bit down, I go there to breathe.” Ellie – 2B