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Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page

Achieving more




To further develop and ensure the implementation of the curriculum is consistent across all subjects

To continue to drive ‘pitch and challenge’ across the curriculum for all children

To embed and maintain high quality phonics and early reading teaching across the provision



To ensure the use of trauma informed practices to support children with SEMH needs with regulation and engagement with learning


To implement a curriculum that promotes inclusivity, celebrating what we have in common and promotes respect for the differences between us

To develop children’s understanding of their own physical and emotional well being



To strategically develop and grow middle leaders enabling them to make a significant impact on whole school improvement


To develop support staff equipping them with the skills to support all learners to achieve their best



We have taken great strides in implementing previous priorities. We still consider them to be important. All staff will continue to drive and embed this outstanding practice at Ambler.

  • Behaviours and attitudes - emotional regulation through the implementation of zones of regulations and classroom calm corners
  • Use of oracy - oracy is used across all year groups for children to respond to questioning and to challenge other viewpoints
  • Staff well-being – Continuing to embed approaches to support the well-being of staff considering the anxieties and pressures they may face
  • Learning beyond the curriculum – providing children with opportunities and experiences to inspire their interests and talents





A Broad, Balanced, Sequenced, Inclusive and Anti-Racist Curriculum - Ensure that the curriculum intent and implementation are embedded securely and consistently across the provision so that children make at least good progress from their starting points, develop a rich vocabulary and show high levels of engagement and concentration in their work and play.
Communication, Language and Thinking - Embed ‘ShREC’ and sustained shared thinking strategies into everyday practice to engage children in high quality, meaningful and stimulating conversations that enrich and deepen their communication, language and thinking skills
Outdoor Learning and Play - Develop the outdoor learning environment to include open-ended resources, natural materials, daily forest school sessions and opportunities to engage in risky, challenging and adventurous play, which improve children’s physical development, confidence and self-esteem, and a sense of understanding of and responsibility for the natural world.
Fine Motor Skills and Early Writing - Provide a wide range of immersive, sequenced opportunities and materials that encourage the development of mark making and early writing (story dough, squiggle club, drawing club, dough disco, message centres, squiggle programme).
Special Educational Needs - For all approaches and interventions to be evidence based and focused on personalised targets and outcomes for children.


Positive Behaviour Management - Provide highly consistent positive behaviour management practices throughout the Children’s Centre. Communicate these effectively to all staff, children and parents. Ensure all staff in the setting fully understand them, and their role in implementing them. Provide regular training to help embed a consistent approach.


Independence - Empower and enable children to be increasingly independent, particularly in managing their personal needs; self-service at meal times, dressing themselves, washing their hands, tidying up.
Healthy Early Years London - Achieve Healthy Early Years London Silver award around 12 themes for improving children's health, wellbeing and development, including reintroducing supervised toothbrushing across the centre.


CPD- Provide focused and effective professional development which motivates staff, builds their knowledge, develops teaching techniques and embeds practice, in order to enhance children’s outcomes and experiences.
Devolved Leadership- Develop an ethos of ‘Everyone a Leader’ across the Children’s Centre;
- Support the Children’s Centre Middle Leadership Team to be highly effective in their role and have sustained impact,
including coaching.
- Encourage all staff to take responsibility for driving improvements and ensuring the very best outcomes for children.


Early Reading and Phonics - Instil a love of reading in children and families and embed and promote a consistent and systematic approach to the teaching of synthetic phonics.
Early Years Learning Environments - Drive progression and challenge through carefully planned, stimulating continuous provision which supports children to learn skills, challenge their thinking and help them to embed concepts.
Emotional Regulation and Wellbeing - To consistently use strategies to help children negotiate, problem solve, self-regulate and become resilient, including embedding the iTips programme and calm corners.
Attendance and Punctuality - To drive improved attendance and punctuality across the children’s centre through clear policies and positive relationships with parents and carers
Equality and Diversity - Ensure equality and diversity is holistically interwoven throughout or daily practice, routines and activities, and understand the issues within the community we serve and how we can support them.
Staff Workload - Embed methods for reducing unnecessary workload and ensure that any action that takes a lot of time reaps high teaching and learning rewards.