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Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page Ambler Primary School and Children's Centre home page

Achieving more

Attendance and Punctuality

Good attendance and punctuality is important if children are to get the most out of their education. Children who are late miss out on important work at the start of the school day. Children who miss a lot of school obviously miss lessons and therefore do not make progress that they should.


Our target is 99% attendance.


The borough of Islington and Governors of Ambler are keen to ensure good attendance and punctuality. There is a proven connection between success at school and high attendance. It is particularly disruptive to learning if a child has numerous short absences. Children who are late arriving to school in the morning miss the start of the first lesson and find it difficult to tune in to what is going on, and as a result their learning suffers.


Good punctuality is an important life skill. Indeed, in the world of employment poor punctuality becomes a disciplinary issue. When outlining how we drive attendance at Ambler, we are referring to all classes from reception to year 6. However, the approach in reception slightly differs due to the children’s young age. Issues with attendance in reception appear to stem from a combination of factors such as: concern and lack of clarity about what illness should prevent children attending school, and attendance is not seen as a priority over, say ‘last chance’ holidays in term time. Staff at Ambler work to challenge these misconceptions and support and encourage parents in reception to improve their children’s attendance and develop good life skills and attitudes to learning in order that they can achieve more…


Holiday During Term Time

There is a direct link between attendance and achievement, therefore it is vital that children attend School every day.

Ambler does not approve family holidays during term time. The Headteacher may approve a few days leave in exceptional circumstances, but this must be discussed prior to taking the time off school.


Holiday Request Form

If you wish to take your child out of school during term time you must complete a Holiday Request Form. The form is also available from the School Office. Please hand the completed form in to the Office.

Islington Council Action

Islington Council may take the following action if you take your child on holiday during term time –
Issue you with a penalty notice and/or Prosecute you through the Magistrates’ Court.