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Achieving more

Our Governing Board

Duncan Aldred

I joined as a co-opted governor in 2017 and became chair of the governing board in July 2020. I was formerly head of the Banking and International Finance group of a City law firm, though I now work as a consultant and executive coach. Like other Ambler governors, I was seeking to do something useful in the local community and being a school governor has enabled me to use my skills to make what I hope is a positive contribution. It has also enabled me to learn a huge amount about the school system in England and about what a vibrant, outstanding place Ambler is. I work closely with all of the Governors’ Committees and with our Safeguarding Governor.


Sonia Irim

My son joined Ambler in 2018 and I was a parent governor for a full term before I had the privilege of becoming a co-opted governor in 2023. I am Vice-Chair of Governors and am on the People and Communications Committee, where I am link governor for Parent Voice and communications. I also sit on the Development and Learning Committee, where I am link governor for PHSE and Humanities. 


I am a civil servant, with experience in Law and Policy. I am passionate about using my skills to support Ambler so that every child gets a quality education and develops the key life skills to help them unlock opportunities regardless of their socioeconomic background. My interest also lies in promoting positive behaviour and attitudes towards learning, which I believe requires a strong partnership with parents. 


I thoroughly enjoy my role as governor. Ambler Primary School and Children's centre is an amazing place full of dedicated and talented staff who have great passion for supporting all children and each other. 


Soola Georgiou

I feel very privileged to be a co-opted governor at Ambler School as I consider Islington my ‘home’ patch, having been born in Islington and worked as the principal safeguarding lead in education in Islington for a number of years.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time so far as a governor working with the talented and dedicated staff.


I admire the conscientious attitude of all the staff and will continue to bring my experience, knowledge and skills to the school and the childrens’ centre to ensure all of our children have the best possible outcomes.


In my capacity as Safeguarding Governor I work closely with each of the governors’ committees. I have a particular interest in staff and pupil wellbeing. I believe in the benefits of lifelong learning having been called to the Bar as a very mature student and I therefore have an interest in continuing professional development and co-ordinate and encourage governors’ training and development.


Tim Evans

I became a co-opted governor of Ambler in 2017. I’ve worked for many years as an investment banker and I qualified as a chartered accountant before that. I became a governor as I was looking to do something voluntary in the local community where I could use my background in finance to try to make a helpful contribution. Being a governor of Ambler has provided me with an invaluable insight into the complex world of school finance and how spending can affect outcomes for pupils. I also find it interesting working with a group of governors with a broad range of experiences and perspectives.


I am chair of the Ambler as a Business committee and therefore have a particular interest in Ambler’s budget and other financial matters.


Natalie Hogg

Parent Governor elected in March 2023. Chair of the Learning and Development Committee.








Joanna Bouloux

Parent Governor elected in March 2023. Chair of the People and Communications Committee.









Robert Amey

I joined as a co-opted governor in 2024. I live near Ambler and work as a barrister.  Having benefited from a good state education myself, and having reaped the rewards, I wanted to do what I could to ensure as many young people as possible have the same opportunity.  It is a privilege to play a part in governing such an amazing school.


Jeni Burt

Parent Governor elected in October 2021.








Amundeep Dhanoa

I joined Ambler as a governor in December 2018 and was Vice-Chair between July 2020 and November 2023. I am Director of People & Culture at The Key, which provides intelligence and resources to help school leaders and governors make the most of their schools. I chair Ambler’s Personnel & Communications Committee. My particular interests are in the human resources area, where I have introduced and conducted exit interviews at Ambler and have worked on a variety of issues including staff recruitment, appraisals and salary reviews.


Ahmed Edwards

I joined as a parent governor in late 2023, just after my son started in Reception. Growing up in a low socio-economic background in inner London, I understand the value of education on a personal level, and am keen to ensure the best outcomes for all Ambler pupils.


I have a respect for the great work happening within the school and am happy to contribute in some small part. Working in the civil service, I specialise in finance, and have previously worked in both the private and charity sectors. I have enjoyed getting to know more about education through this governor role. On the Ambler Board, I am part of the People & Communications and Business committees, and my key area of focus is IT.


Please don't hesitate to stop me for a chat if you see me on the school run (or anywhere else!)


Richard Greening

I was appointed as a local authority governor in 2021 and have a good understanding of how the Islington LEA works, having served as a councillor for the ward where Ambler is based from 1994 to 2018. I worked with a variety of councils and government Departments as a consultant at the Local Government Association from 2003 to 2010 before serving as Lead Member for Finance and HR at Islington Council from 2010 to 2013.

Education and learning were particularly important to me when I served as Mayor of Islington in 2015-16. My mayoral charity was Music First which enabled Islington primary school children from very diverse backgrounds to benefit from learning to play a musical instrument.


I observed and appreciated the remarkable progress made by Ambler under Juliet’s leadership while I was a councillor and was delighted to be nominated as a governor in 2021.


Many organisations have slogans and catchphrases which are supposed to encapsulate their values and culture, but Ambler is a remarkable example of this happening in real life. “Dreams” being expressed by staff and directly influences the development and attainment of our children. Spending time in the school as a governor is a huge privilege and I am focused on doing what I can to support the outstanding education within both children’s centre and school and to see it continue to thrive into the future.


Samuel Hodges

Parent Governor elected in October 2021.








Isabel Roberts

I joined Ambler in 2015 as an NQT and have since taught across Key Stage 2. This year I was appointed to the role of Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader where I support children and staff in and out of the classroom. Being a governor was something I’d wanted to do for a few years as I was interested in learning more about what it takes to run a successful school, aside from the teaching and learning aspect. When a vacancy for a staff position came up, I was excited to put myself forward. I sit on all three committees and I also work closely with the subject link governors due to my role as maths lead at Ambler.


Sue Smith

Co-opted Governor appointed in December 2020.


Sam Suri

Parent Governor elected in October 2021.








Types of governor

Parent governors – elected by the parents of children attending Ambler from Nursery to Year 6


Co-opted governors – appointed by the governing body. Applicants are not required to have a child in attendance at Ambler but are required to have skills that will assist the governing body in being effective in delivering its core responsibilities or being wiling to undertake training to develop these (e.g. Finance, HR, marketing, leadership). Co–opted Governors are selected following a skills audit used to identify our needs.


Staff governors – working at Ambler as either a teacher or a member of the school support staff and elected by all staff at Ambler.


Local Authority governors – appointed by the governing body following a nomination from the local authority often from amongst the members and supporters of local political parties but can also be from the wider community and again must have appropriate skills to support the governing body in delivering its core responsibilities


Associate Members of Committees – appointed by the governing body from a wide group including school staff and others able to contribute on issues related to their own experience and the area of responsibility of the committee to which they are appointed.